Whinny Valley Marked on Map

Whinny Valley Approximate Location on Map

These lush lands are home to the Forester herd. The valley is brimming with flora, allowing Forester horses to wander for hours and lose themselves in the wonder of nature.

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Whinny Valley is the largest and most southern area of the north part of Wildwoods and includes a mountainous barrier, a field area, a shallow body of water and some rocky, bushy paths with fir trees. It surrounds the smaller Foresters area of Clip-clop Meadow. Wildlife that can be found here include squirrels like Pistachio, deer, insects, and owls.


  • This is one of the first locations that the player encounters upon crossing The Sentinel Tree bridge to northern Wildwoods.
  • Whinny Valley is directly connected to the large rock formation at Hartwood Shore.
  • The valley was previously named Nicker Valley before it was renamed.