Three-tusk Henge Wide shot

Three-tusk henge

Three-tusk henge marked on the map

Approximate Location on the Map

Though not technically a henge, this Warrior meeting point earned its name from the iconic tusks that jut out of the ground. Warrior horses claim the tusks belonged to the giant creatures that roamed the area long ago.

Star Stable Online

The Three-tusk Henge is a small area of the Warriors Territory in northern Wildwoods, between the Ancient Coliseum and Gallop Plains. It is characterised by a small ring of large tusks surrounding a few ceramic pieces and a pot of incense. There are also a few torches similar to tiki torches in the proximity. Standing close by, are Ash and Rocco.


  • The "giant creatures that roamed the area long ago" in Star Stable Online's location description could hint to dinosaurs that might have lived there or perhaps a mythical creature.
