The Goldspur family lives on Graydew Mountains and their crops are grown on the slopes towards the ocean.

Star Stable Online

The Goldspur family reputation faction can be unlocked once the player has met the members of the family who live at Goldspur Farm and Jarlaheim city. Building reputation by completing quests and daily quests with the family will enable to players to obtain new story quests, clothing, and races such as the Greendale Race. Some of the daily quests with include finding the twins, weeding the farm and delivering sacks to Jakob Goldspur's mill.


There are 8 members of the Goldspur Family faction:

Reputation Races & Quests[]

These quests and races can be completed daily for reputation with the Hermit on the heath. Each race can be competed every day, while there are 0-3 quests available depending on the day.



  • Weeding the Goldspur fields - Available on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from Idun
  • Feed the Goldspur animals - Available on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays from Angus
  • Broken mill at the Goldspur Estate - Available on Mondays and Fridays from Jakob
  • Hide-and-seek with the twins - Available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays from Alexander
  • Grandpa’s lunch - Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Angus
  • More sacks for the Goldspur mills - Available on Tuesdays from Jakob


Despite both being part of the Goldspur family, Jack and Jill Goldspur are in the Jarleheim reputation faction due to their careers.
