
Stacy is one of the Bobcat Girls who hosts three of the Bobcat races. She was introduced to the club through Loretta's cousin Eliza and Tan. The player helps her pick up cones for her three showjumping and calvaletti courses and paint green jump poles pink to match the Bobcats theme. Having recently moved to Moorland, Stacy believed that the other Bobcat races were not up to competition standard and decided to host her own races.

Players can participate in the races once they have completed the quest where they receive their Bobcat shirt. However, only Star Riders can compete in the Show Jumping Circuit.



Stacy is dressed in the Bobcats uniform which consists of a pink cardigan with the club logo on the front and back, white and brown pants, blue boots with brown edges. She's also wearing a blue helmet with a pink horse, black gloves and a pink belt. Her red hair is clipped with a white daisy.

Stacy as seen in game

Stacy as seen in-game


The name Stacy is derived from the Hebrew or Ancient Greek variations of the name meaning "resurrection" or "fruitful."


  • Her appearance was updated weeks before the showjumping courses were released.
  • She is based on Game Master Stacy. The name of the first quest we have with her, "Stacy in place", is based on the name of her Youtube channel "Stacy Place".