
Rania Varanger is a who lives in the village Dundull located in Mistfall. She lives together with her mother Sigry Varanger. Rania is blind and owns a Haflinger named Dellingr who acts as her "eyes" though he is still a horse. Dellingr's is helping Rania feel the ground as he moves, his hoofbeats and movements are useful for Rania in order to "see" the world.


Despite being blind she isn't helpless, Rania is brave, kind and fearless. She has a special bond with her horse Dellingr, who are acting as her eyes, but she has a knack for getting into trouble with her heightened senses she is also a good judge of character. Despite being confident and supportive (she helped and supported Sigry Varanger while she was running for councilwoman 'position'), Rania acts before thinking.

Star Stable Online[]

The player first met Rania after talking to her grandmother Rose who lives in the Firgrove Village. Rose tells the player that she is worried sick as Rania was suppose to come for a visit to deliver some couldberry jam, but that she hasn't shown up. It turns out that Rania and her horse Dellingr were attacked by wolves on their way to Firgrove. The two got separated when Rania fell off Dellingr when he got spooked by the wolves. After finding them both Rania starts explaining the situation to the player. She says that there is something wrong with the wolves, who in that moment show up starts and surrounds them. After managing to outrun the wolfs, Rania and Dellingr as well as the player makes it to safety in Firgrove Village. Speeding into the village in a car is Dr. Oplet, who is telling Rania to go back with him to her home in Dundull as the village is quarantine. "NO ONE is to leave Dundull until the quarantine is lifted" he says. Rania refuse to go with Dr. Oplet. She says that there is something fishy about him and the quarantine, which is supposedly in effect due to people getting sick from toxins in the water.

Together with veterinarian Dr. Eiren Doyle, Rania, Dellingr and player return to Dundull. On their way there Rania hears a sick wolf whimpering. The doctor takes a look at it and concludes that the wolf is most likely having tummy problems. Before they could investigate any further the wolf pack returns, forcing the group to flee. They end up surrounded by the pack when Ranias mother Sigry Varenger shows up to save them. Back in Dundull Rania ends up being grounded by her mother for her escapades. Rania then wants the player to help her ask the people in the village about what they think of the quarantine. Some of them believe there is a sickness going around in Dundull, whilst others are more skeptical. Rania and the player then proceeds to talk to Councilman Skoll. He says that the sickness is very real, and that he has read a report from Dr. Oplet and his team at "Geo Emergency Doctors" which concludes that Dundull's water supply is contaminated with toxins. He also relays that the same team is working fix the problem. Rania finds this suspicious as the name of Dr. Oplets team has the same initials as G.E.D., Global Energy Domination.

Still believing something isn't right, Rania decides to check on the source of the spring supplying the town with water. The area is cordoned off with metal fences, but Rania and the player gets past the blockade and hides in some bushes to spy on two workers rom Geo Emergency Doctors. The player uses the camera on Ranias phone to record the workers, trying to get any evidence that something is off. One of the workers tells the other that he has forgotten his water bottle, the other worker replies that he could just drink some water from the spring. He says that it's only in town where they have to keep up "the act". The worker who forgot his water bottle takes a sip from the spring and says "that's some quality H20". Rania and they player knows something is up, and follows the worker who left the site in a car to get more clues. They soon discover that Dr. Oplet and Geo Emergency Doctors tricked the citizens of Dundull into believing their water isn't safe in order to the water and selling it under the name "Go water". Rania was right about Dr. Oplet and the quarantine, it was all a hoax. However, Rania points out that the hoax doesn't explain what's wrong with the wolves.

Rania asks the player to help her check on the wolves at their den. Once there, they don't anything unusual until they hear someone coming. After finding a place to hide they spot one of the workers giving the wolves tainted meat. Beliveing that the tainted meat might be the cause of the wolves behavior, Rania and the player bring back a piece of the meat for Dr. Eiren to analyze. Upon returning home, Rania tries to explain to her mother what's happening. However, Sigry isn't listening and starts scolding her daughter for leaving the house whilst grounded and risking her life going after the dangerous wolves.

Rania decides to confront Dr. Oplet, showing him the evidence they've gathered. The doctor tries to silence Rania and the player by offering money, however Rania only demands justice and for the town to get their water back. This is when Dr. Oplet reveals that he has made a deal with Councilman Skoll, and that the water legally belongs to him and Geo Emergency Doctors. Rania and the player race back to Dundull to talk to the Councilman, which is when they learn that he already knew truth. He relays that he signed a deal with Dr. Oplet and the company Go! Energy! Drinks! as Dundull is in need of money since the village has been facing a budget deficit for years. Skoll says that it's an investment in the towns future. This is when Ms. Drake shows up, letting them know that "Doctor" Oplets employment has been terminated. She clarifies that this doesn't change the company's deal with Dundull, and that the water still belongs to G.E.D. This is when Concilman Skoll realise that Go! Energy! Drinks! is the same company as G.E.D. To make matters worse Rania and her mother were horrified to learn from Ms. Drake and G.E.D. bought land rights from Councilman Skoll in order to build a country club and a golf course.

Knowing they couldn't do much about the spring and G.E.D. right now, Rania and player turned their attention to the wolves. With help from Dr. Eiren's they discovered that the meat given to the wolves was covered in toxic wolfsbane. Dr. Eirene let's the pair know that the toxins can be cured with Jorvegian Ginger. Rania and the player heads back to the den, and feeds the wolf pack the Jorvegian Ginger through giving it to them with some meat. Everything goes well, and they travel back to Dr. Eiren with the good news. Whilst talking to Eiren, she's reminded that the famous rapper Raptor is sponsored by Go water, and that maybe they should talk to him.

Rania and the player reached out Raptor in Jorvik City Mall and showed him the video evidence of the two Geo Emergency Doctors workers. Raptor promise to help them and performs a freestyle song exposing Go water on stage in front of the crowd. This leavs Ms. Drake horrified, telling one of her employees that "G.E.D. doesn't take betrayal lightly". Upon returning to Dundull, Rania and the player finds that Geo Emergency Doctors are are shutting down and leaving the area. Sigry let's her daughter know that "no mother has ever been as proud of her daughter as I am right now".

Election in Dundull[]

After the mess that Councilman Skoll created, Dr. Eiren convinces Sigry to run for councilwoman as the election in Dundull is approaching. Rania is excited about the idea of her mother running for Councilwoman, finding her better than Councilman Skoll. Rania and they player tries to figure out how to add Sigrys name on the ballot. After talking to Councilman Skoll they discover they discover that her name can be added to the ballot, but only if she has enough signatures before the deadline, which is the same day.

Combining their efforts, they try to convince the citizens of Dundull to vote for Sigry. After talking to numerous people in the village Rania and the player manage to get enough signatures. However, another problem arises as the Election Commissioner Tally Finicker, is about to leave for a fishing trip, and they have to catch her before it's to late to add Sigrys name to the ballot. Just as Tally is about to be picked up and leave by boat for her trip, Rania and the player manage catch her and turn in the signatures.

As the election gets underway, Rania was happy to see the player as her mother had lost the notes for her speech. Despite finding the notes last minute, Rania believes her mother will do better without them. After Councilman Skoll's speech, she reminds her mother to run not for herself but for her people of Dundull. Wanting to do more, Rania makes a last effort to remind the people of the village what Sigry had done for them in the past. Rania and the player talks to and help out Jolene Mossheart, Kora Pelletier and Kristy Griswald.

Rania and the player returns back to Dundull where Dr. Eiren let's them know that the election has already started. When the votes are tallied, it appears that the election has ended in a tie. Tally let's everyone know according to Dundull tradition, this means that the vote goes to the incumbent. Councilman Skoll won the election. In this moment however, Rania realises that she had forgot to cast her own vote. The citizens of Dundull, except Councilman Skoll, agrees that Rania should be able to cast her vote. This is when Councilman Skoll drops a bunch of papers, which appears to be extra ballots all choosing Skoll. Tally tells the crowd that "It think we all know who the real winner is. But first... There is one more vote that needs to be counted". Rania get's to cast her vote, which means that her mother Sigry is now the new Councilwoman of Dundull.

Journal entry[]

I first met Rania on the road to Firgrove after her horse was spooked by wolves. She boldly crossed the Mountains of Jor to bypass a quarantine roadblock keeping people form entering of leaving Mistfall. According to Rania, the quarantine is bogus and illegal. Of course I had to help her get to the bottom of this.

Rania lost her vision when she was very young an now uses a cane to help her walk She has such a strong bond with her horse, Dellingr, that he acts as her "eyes" and together they can rida as capably was any pair in Jorvik. They're so inspiring!

Rania's suspicions were right. The so-called health crisis in Mistfall was actually a scheme by GED to gain access to the area's famous spring water. Together we gathered evidence of GED's crimes and exposed them to the world at a Raptor concert in Jorvik City. It was amazing! Rania shoed me that you don't have to be a Soul Rider to be a hero.

After we exposed Councilman Skoll as a corrupt corporate shill in the pocket of Ms. Drake, Rania convinced her mom, Sigry, to run against him in the Dundull elections. Rania brought the people of Dundull together in remembering that family and friends are what make a community great. Not only did Sigry win the election, but Rania got to participate in her first election and cast the deciding vote.


  • Rania is the first character in any Jorvik game to be blind.
  • Rania refers Councilman Skoll as a "snake".
  • She was a former Raptor fan.
  • The identity of Ranias father is unknown, and he left Sigry and his daughter for unknown reasons.
  • It is confirmed that Rania - as a young child - used to collect berries with her mother. One day, Rania decided to collect some berries alone, but unfortunately she had an accident and lost her eyesight immediately.