Mary's Lost Animals

Different Lost Animals

Mary's Lost Animals also known as the Lost and Found quest is a permanent daily quest that has been added since the release of Starshine Ranch in April 15th 2020.

Once Starshine Ranch is unlocked, players are able to herd 4 lost animals around the ranch and guide them back to Mary. The blue exclamation marks will not appear on the map. Players will be awarded 90 Jorvik shillings and 300 horse experience per animal. These animals can be any of the following and are randomised for every player daily as shown below.

  • Sheep: Requires herding
  • Cows: Requires herding
  • Donkeys: Follows the player without the need to herded
  • Foals: Follows the player without the need to herded
  • Chickens: Requires Chicken Feed from food merchant before following the player

General Locations[]

Mary's Lost Animals General Locations

Map Marking General Location Area of Lost Animals

There are 4 areas around Starshine Ranch where these animals can be found in almost all cardinal directions as shown below. Sometimes, multiple animals may be in the same area.

  • North: The fields at the entrance of the ranch
  • South East: Near the fields of Silverglade Mine,
  • South: The apple grove area along with the forest area next to the apple grove
  • South West: The beach area of Starshine Ranch.

The image to the right shows a marked map showing the general area that the animals are usually found highlighted in an opaque yellow. The cyan dots represent specific locations where some of the animals could be found.

Mary can be found on the southwest side of Starshine Ranch wearing a white cowboy hat


  • The chicken is the only animal that needs feed from the merchant (which costs 100 js for 5 buckets) in Starshine Ranch in order to "coax" it back to Mary. You may need to crouch to interact with it.
  • During the beginning stages of this quest's release, the chicken was invisible at a certain camera angle. Their feet were also glitched along with the chicken feed that could be fed infinitely to any chickens during this time.
  • If the player relogs, the locations and animal species will NOT refresh anymore.