
Mark is a retired Olympic show rider and the owner of Archie who now runs the Jorvik Stables Snakebite race at the Jorvik Stables Arena. He was originally from the UK, but he moved to Jorvik when he was young and now considers it his home. When he first came to Jorvik, he took a summer placement with the Wettons at Snake Bite Lodge. Years later, they put Mark in touch with Herman so that he could set up a race at Jorvik Stables.


Mark has brown hair and green eyes. He wears a red flannel shirt with a green vest over it, blue jeans with a brown belt, and brown boots.


Mark as he appears in-game


  • Due to a glitch, both Mark and his horse Archie were invisible on the Wednesday that they were added. This was corrected the next day.
  • He was once supposed to be knighted by the Baroness for his contributions to the sport, but he never was.
  • He and Sir Tarik Modde have a rivalry.