
Harley is a collector of artifacts that resides in Nic Stoneground's camp. He came to the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur to greet Frank Einstein after Frank had disappeared for some time. Now Harley stands just beside a shop within the camp to trade artifacts for valuable clothing with the player.


Marley Full Body

Appearance in-game in Nic Stoneground's camp.

Artifact Trades[]

Once the player has learned archaeology, they will be able to collect valuable artifacts from extra interesting finds within the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur. With these artifacts, they can trade for clothes found no where else in Jorvik. Harley's trades can be seen below.


  • Harley shares the same basic character model with NPCs such as Marley, Carney, and several others.
  • Harley was mentioned as one of the brothers by Marley in the "memorial" of Ronnie Bob Summers. Carney also implies that Harley is their brother.