Fragment of christmas

A Closeup of a Fragment of Christmas

Fragment of Christmas, was an event item obtainable during Christmas, it was removed in the updated version of the Christmas event in 2017.


"During the Jorvegian holiday season, Santa can exchange three Fragments of Christmas for a Christmas Wish." - Star Stable Online


Fragments of Christmas appeared in the player's inventory as a small, round, silver medal with a star design in the middle and a green and red gradient background, unique to Christmas items. It was a stackable object, meaning players could have more than one fragment take up a single slot in their inventory.


Fragments of Christmas were obtained from NPC's after completing certain replayable Christmas Quests around Jorvik. Once a player collected at least three fragments, they could trade them with Santa Claus for a single Christmas wish which could then subsequently be traded in for a single event item.

Should a player want to sell their Fragments of Christmas rather than trade them into Santa, they could be sold for 20 Jorvik Shillings each.
