Dark riders

The Dark Riders are a group of young women with the opposite goal of the Soul Riders: instead of trying to destroy Garnok, they want to set him free. The Dark Riders work for Mr Sands and serve Garnok.

Known Dark Riders[]


Dark Riders 2021


Although much isn't known about the Dark Riders and their abilities, they are said to be the opposite of the Soul Riders. They have made limited debuts in the game, coming across as dangerous and evil-intended women. They are under the leadership of Mr. Sands, and ultimately Dark Core, carrying out the tasks given to them diligently. Their backstory is limited, still having yet to be confirmed in-game, and personalities have been built upon only a small amount.

Each Dark Rider is shown to have respect for Mr Sands' authority, addressing him as "sir" and talking highly of him.

Although they work together and share the same goals, Dark Riders Sabine, Jessica, and Katja, all seem to have contempt for one another. This is apparent when they mock each other for their failed tasks and mildly insult each other, such as Sabine calling Jessica a "book brain" and Katja accusing Sabine of "twirling her hair and wasting time with her new toy" instead of helping. Sabine also mentions that she hates doing nice things for Katja. This is also consistent in the Soul Riders book series; the girls work together, but don't seem to particularly like each other.


  • Erissa was originally named Chiyo and Elise, but this changed to Nihili sometime in 2017. In December 2021, a Star Stable blog post revealed that the Dark Rider had been renamed to Erissa, and that Nihili had become the name of her horse.
  • Before Erissa, Katja was the newest addition to the Dark Riders.
  • Sabine is known to be a skilled equestrian, and comes from a wealthy family.
  • Jessica's favourite equestrian sport is showjumping, and Sabine's is dressage.
  • In the Soul Riders book series, all three Dark Riders' horses are described to be black. Only Sabine's horse, Khaan, is mentioned by name.
  • In Star Stable, Jessica, Katja, and Sabine make various debuts in the game, being girls who run equestrian courses.