
Commandments of Jorvikipedia

Welcome as an editor on Jorvikipedia! Before you start editing on the Wikia you have to make sure that you follow our rules:

  • Always respect other editors. Repeated disrespectful behavior will get you suspended from the Wiki.
  • Do not speculate on the Wiki pages. If you want to speculate about the games, you're very welcome to do so in our forums.
  • The Wiki pages are for facts only. Personal opinions or rumours about the pages are welcome in the comments (at the bottom of the page) or in the forums.
  • Before you start a new page, please make sure that it does not already exist under another name.
  • Before you post your edits, please re-read your edit to prevent spelling and/or grammatical errors.
  • Please do not create new categories on the pages. If you believe that a category is missing, please contact an Admin for further actions.
  • Do not sabotage the pages by deleting relevant information. Unfortunately we've had problems with sabotage on the Swedish Jorvikipedia and therefore we will not tolerate any sabotage here. Sabotage on our pages will get you suspended.
  • Only use your own pictures. Taking pictures from other players, or even Google, without permission is illegal. If you want to use another player's picture you have to ask for their permission to do so.
  • Stay on-topic on pages. Free discussion should take place in the forums.

The Comments Section

  • Read the ENTIRE page before commenting.
  • Please keep all of your comments on-topic (off-topic discussions are welcomed in the forums).
  • Please speak English on this wiki.
  • Roleplaying is prohibited
  • No spam (including gibberish words, texts in all caps with/without numerous amount of punctuation, stretching words/emojis, a long row of images, etc.) permitted.
  • No harassment of other commenters permitted
  • No Vulgar Language permitted (if you wouldn't say it to a child, do not say it here)
  • Please try to avoid replying to comments older than 3 weeks.

The Forums

  • Always respect other editors.
  • Try your best to write with good spelling and grammar. Long messages in Caps only is not allowed. You are allowed to use smileys.
  • Roleplaying is prohibited.
  • Do not spam.
  • Please make sure that you keep your conversations to the right threads in the forums.
  • Nagging for SC/SR codes is not allowed and will lead to suspension from Jorvikipedia.

If you've got any questions you're very welcome to ask one of our three Admins; Esmeralda "Esme" Silverforce, Lucy "Lys" MacWright, and Nova "Krittlez" Greenland, who all will do their very best to help you.
