Championship Cup

Championship is a form of race present in Star Stable Online. A championship is a competition every player can participate in, as long as they have access to the area of the championship. All participating players are divided into groups of up to 20, sorted by progress in the game; the higher the number of the group the player is sorted in, the higher their skill. At the end of the competition the three players with the best times in each group get a ribbon, while the rest gets a participation reward of 200 Jorvik Shillings.



*NOTE: The times of the races are based on the time of your server. The best way to find out your server time is by looking at the Silverglade Village clock or on the Championship Schedule available through the ribbon icon on your User Interface.*

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
00:00 Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Baroness Jorvik Stables Firgrove Moorland
00:30 Fort Pinta Pony Baroness Goldenhills Silverglade Goldenhills Fort Pinta
01:00 Pony Baroness Goldenhills Jorvik Stables Firgrove Moorland Pony
01:30 Baroness Goldenhills Jorvik Stables Silverglade Moorland Fort Pinta Baroness
02:00 Goldenhills Jorvik Stables Silverglade Firgrove Fort Pinta Pony Valedale
02:30 Jorvik Stables Silverglade Firgrove Moorland Pony Baroness Jorvik Stables
03:00 Silverglade Firgrove Moorland Fort Pinta New Hillcrest Valedale Silverglade
03:30 Firgrove Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Valedale Jorvik Stables New Hillcrest
04:00 Moorland Fort Pinta Pony New Hillcrest Goldenhills Silverglade Firgrove
04:30 Fort Pinta Pony New Hillcrest Valedale Jorvik Stables New Hillcrest Moorland
05:00 Pony New Hillcrest Valedale Goldenhills Silverglade Goldenhills Fort Pinta
05:30 New Hillcrest Valedale Goldenhills Jorvik Stables Moorland Silverglade Pony
06:00 Valedale Goldenhills Jorvik Stables Silverglade Fort Pinta Firgrove Moorland
06:30 Goldenhills Jorvik Stables Silverglade Moorland Pony Jorvik Stables Fort Pinta
07:00 Jorvik Stables Silverglade Moorland Fort Pinta Firgrove Moorland Pony
07:30 Silverglade Moorland Fort Pinta Pony New Hillcrest Fort Pinta Baroness
08:00 Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Firgrove Valedale Pony Valedale
08:30 Fort Pinta Pony Firgrove New Hillcrest Baroness Baroness New Hillcrest
09:00 Pony Firgrove New Hillcrest Valedale Goldenhills Valedale Firgrove
09:30 Firgrove New Hillcrest Valedale Baroness Moorland New Hillcrest Jorvik Stables
10:00 New Hillcrest Valedale Baroness Goldenhills Fort Pinta Firgrove Goldenhills
10:30 Valedale Baroness Goldenhills Moorland Pony Jorvik Stables Moorland
11:00 Baroness Goldenhills Moorland Fort Pinta Goldenhills Goldenhills Fort Pinta
11:30 Goldenhills Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Valedale Moorland Pony
12:00 Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Firgrove Jorvik Stables Fort Pinta Baroness
12:30 Fort Pinta Pony Goldenhills Valedale New Hillcrest Pony Valedale
13:00 Pony Baroness Valedale Jorvik Stables Firgrove Baroness Silverglade
13:30 Silverglade Valedale Jorvik Stables New Hillcrest Moorland Valedale New Hillcrest
14:00 Valedale Jorvik Stables New Hillcrest Firgrove Fort Pinta Silverglade Jorvik Stables
14:30 Jorvik Stables New Hillcrest Firgrove Moorland Pony New Hillcrest Goldenhills
15:00 New Hillcrest Firgrove Moorland Fort Pinta Silverglade Firgrove Moorland
15:30 Firgrove Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Jorvik Stables Goldenhills Fort Pinta
16:00 Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Silverglade Baroness Moorland Pony
16:30 Fort Pinta Pony Silverglade New Hillcrest Pony Fort Pinta Baroness
17:00 Pony Silverglade Moorland Baroness Silverglade Pony Valedale
17:30 Silverglade Valedale Baroness Goldenhills Moorland Jorvik Stables Firgrove
18:00 Fort Pinta Baroness Goldenhills Silverglade Fort Pinta Silverglade Silverglade
18:30 Baroness Goldenhills Silverglade Moorland Pony New Hillcrest Jorvik Stables
19:00 Goldenhills Silverglade Moorland Fort Pinta Firgrove Firgrove Goldenhills
19:30 Silverglade Moorland Fort Pinta Pony New Hillcrest Jorvik Stables Moorland
20:00 Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Firgrove Jorvik Stables Goldenhills Fort Pinta
20:30 Fort Pinta Pony Firgrove New Hillcrest Valedale Moorland Pony
21:00 Pony Firgrove New Hillcrest Jorvik Stables Baroness Fort Pinta Baroness
21:30 Firgrove New Hillcrest Jorvik Stables Valedale Moorland Pony Valedale
22:00 New Hillcrest Jorvik Stables Valedale Baroness Fort Pinta Baroness Silverglade
22:30 Jorvik Stables Valedale Baroness Moorland Pony Valedale New Hillcrest
23:00 Valedale Baroness Moorland Fort Pinta Baroness Silverglade Firgrove
23:30 Baroness Moorland Fort Pinta Pony Goldenhills New Hillcrest Goldenhills


  • A new championship schedule was released on 09/09/2020.
  • The Baroness' Racetrack championship is the only championship which runs at half-hour times.
  • SSO stated that three new championships were to be updated, those three were: Moorland, Fort Pinta and the Pony championship.
  • Certain horses in the game are better for championships and racing. As of now, the Generation 2 APH and Appaloosa are the best in game since they have a quick recovery after crashing and have a good jump.