Cafe harp exterior

The cafés exterior

Café Harp is a café located at Aideen's Plaza.


A cupcake can be picked up from the display case inside the café. This cupcake is needed in order to get the 2nd fallen star at Aideen's Plaza.

Cafe harp interior

The cafés interior

How to Get the Second Star[]

  • First, get the cupcake from Café Harp in Aideen's Plaza.
  • Go to the recycling bin in front of the mime in one of the alley ways. You will see the fox hanging from the bin.
  • Click the fox, it will have the star in its mouth. Once you are able to "chase" the fox, you can put the cupcake down near one of the stair cases in the center of Aideen's Plaza.
  • The fox will drop the star to eat the cupcake. Locate the star!