Beauvista Village is a beautiful village in Jorvik. The few houses of the village all have a view of the ocean and the Beauvista Stables lie just east of the village.
The location appears in Star Stable: The Spring Rider.
Beauvista is located in the Winter Mountains past Bayridge Village, nearest to Anvil Bay and the ocean. Beauvista is an oceanfront village surrounded by luscious forests and greenery. The closest towns to Beauvista are Bayridge Village and Rockville.
- Lorna Thorne
- Eliza (Loretta’s Cousin)
- Loretta mentioned Beauvista in Midsummer 2018 as her cousin lives there
- Lily Bones mentioned that Ginny is moving to Beauvista in Midsummer 2019
- Violet Dappelbrook was born in Beauvista
- Beauvista has been mentioned several times in SSO but hasn't appeared yet